Monday, November 17, 2014

Bear Gom's News : [English Translation] Exclusive interview with Song Ji Hyo from Epop Magazine

Malaysia Magazine epop#488

Scanned by sw_1994@SJH Baidu Bar 

Exclusive interview with Song Ji Hyo

English translation by mongji-fan & gapiplus

**Please take full credit when reposting any text**

“Mong Ji” JiHyo is seriously really really really really adorable! And really really really friendly! This was the first thought that came across my mind (the reporter) after interviewing JiHyo personally!  Although the interview session was not long, JiHyo answered every single question with a sincere expression, sometimes she even burst into an uncontrollable laughter, she made me feel as though there was no distance between us!

Fans of epop must be really curious about the little stories of JiHyo when she was filming for <Running Man>~  Chillax, I have asked her on behalf of you! Now, let JiHyo answer your questions herself!

epop:    The breaks during the filming of the show, what do you and the other members do?
JiHyo:    Most of the time we just chat casually. Even though filming the show is quite tiring, I still chat with the other members during our breaks, I really enjoy the time we spend together chatting!

epop:    You have quite a number of nicknames in <Running Man>, which is your favourite one?
JiHyo:    Haha, I really have a lot of nicknames, like “MongJi”, “Ace”, “Bad JiHyo”, “angry bird” etc. Members love to call me “Mongji, Mongji” and I find that really affectionate (laugh) Actually I like all the nicknames, you can call me whatever you like, because no matter how people address me, it is all because people are fond of me, it is all fine if everybody is happy.

epop:    With all these years participating in <Running Man> , what do you learn from the show?
JiHyo:    On screen, people see the unpretentious and cheerful side of me and they naturally think that my personality was like this in the first place. Haha, actually before <Running Man>, I was quite introverted and shy, in addition, I had little experience doing variety shows, so at the beginning of the show I could not go easy.
 I would never be able to let go if I was on my own. So I’ll really like to take this chance to thank our members, because of their guidance and care, I became more outgoing and my personality changed with a 180-degree turn. It was all attributed to our members!

epop:    What do you think the biggest challenge of filming <Running Man>?
JiHyo:    Because of the show, RM members and I became close friends like family. Despite of our close relationship, <Running Man> is still a reality variety show, we have to play the game seriously. So once the filming has officially started, we all try our best to win the first place. Of course, I also use every single method to win the game (laugh).
Speaking of the biggest challenge, for me, it is not only about putting in effort to win the competition, I have to think “how should I interact with the other members, so the audiences will think the show is interesting?” In addition to the requirement of physical strength, filming <Running Man> is really not easy at all.

epop:    Having been filming so many episodes of <Running Man>, which episode left the deepest impression on you?
JiHyo:    erm…(thinking) (reportor: Bungee jumping at Macau Tower?) Haha, bungee jumping was really fun. That was my first trip to Macau Tower, yet I have to challenge the world’s highest bungee jump. Actually I doubted if I would really dare to jump at that time, but in the end I jumped. (reportor: Do you want to challenge it again?) I don’t know… probably not! Other than bungee jumping, I can travel to different places even overseas because of the show. Being able to travel around and try out the local cuisines of different places with the members, it is a really good experience.

epop:    Recently you have been working with Taiwanese celebrity Kenji Wu for an inspirational movie <708090>.  How do you feel?
JiHyo:    This is the first time I’m taking part in a Chinese movie, having the opportunity to film in China is a really valuable and interesting experience for me. I really appreciate how the production team and Kenji Wu took well care of me. During the filming process, Kenji Wu has always been kind and patient, in fact we do not have troubles communicating at all. The filming has ended, but Kenji Wu still contacts me occasionally, and that is very sweet of him.

epop:    Dealing with busy schedules every day, you must feel stressed. Can you share your method of releasing stress?
JiHyo:    (giggling) erm.. just sleeping, eating, meeting and chatting with friends … and … drinking a bit… hahahahaha, something like that… (Continue laughing) (editor: hahaha, once she talked about alcohol, JiHyo just burst out laughing uncontrollably!)

epop:    Besides male fans, there are a lot of female fans who support you. What is your secret in attracting so many females to like you?
JiHyo:    Thank you so much for the support from the fans, I really feel the love that fans give me, and I always keep it in my heart. The only thing which I can do for the fans, is to do my utmost best in whatever I am doing, and this is the best thing I can do to give back to my fans.

- Reporter’s word -
Ok, let’s jump to JiHyo’s join interview. I am really grateful to Tammy for this opportunity to interview JiHyo close up. I thought I would be very nervous, but I turned out unexpectedly calm during the interview, probably because I had to rush to the avenue for join interview right after the press conference was over, there was no time for me to feel nervous. After casually packing my stuff and camera, I directly rushed to the avenue for join interview. 

Jihyo was already standing and waiting for us when I came into the room. She greeted every reporter friendly, the moment that our eyes meet when greeting with her – it was a bit unrealistic.

Due to lack of time, I only focused on accomplishing my mission, I quickly prepared for taking photos after I put down my bag. There were several photographers, so JiHyo’s eyes kept very busy, one photo with one photo, and she could not help but burst into laughter, her expression was so adorable! Just that her pose was a little too simple, so I encouraged myself and asked if she could pose a cute pose, she did not say a word but immediately signed a heart sign to me, she was totally affectionate!

After the interview was finished, I was touched by JiHyo’s considerate move… Wanna to know what happened? Haha, please pay attention to our sister magazine <Y.G.#453> And for the detailed interview content, check it out in this epop magazine!

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