Thursday, November 6, 2014

Bear Gom's News : Running Man HaHa interview, during Race Start Season 2 in Malaysia

Other than busy with Running Man, Haha will also appear with his latest album in December, next month.

During the interview - At first, HaHa was forbidden by the management, not to posing and take picture alongside with the media.

However, HaHa reached one of the media phone and continue taking pictures with them.

Haha said when interviewed: "I respect the fans. What I have today (popularity) is because of their their support.

"Without them there is no me here today. Therefore, I very much appreciate the honor given by the fans. "

Haha say, after having made his name as a comedian, actor, and radio DJ, the only one his remaining dream is to establishing his name as a singer to be reckoned with.

"After all that I have, now I want to focus more on singing career. I want to be known as one of the great singers.

"The latest planning in my singing career is, me and my friend, Skull will be working on an album which is expected out in a month. Certainly the songs will be in the genre of reggae”

When questioned why the genre of reggae so close to his heart, while he began with the genre of hip hop,  Haha smile and replied, a reggae rhythm can encouraging everyone who heard it.

"Reggae is a soothing rhythm and fun. It is suitable to be sung anywhere and most importantly those who hear the rhythm no matter in which country, it  was definitely entertained although I sing in Korean.”

"To be honest, I'm still learning to be a good reggae singer. However, the difference is I sing rap in reggae rhythm. For now, I'm comfortable enough to be known as a Korean singer who fought reggae rhythms,"

Popular because of Running Man

He himself did not think the program would be able to attract the attention of fans in South Korea as well as fans across Asia.

"I never thought I would achieve such popularity as today. Before this, I have worked hard and have been through the difficult days.

"When the Running Man was received well by many, I was quite overwhelmed. Actually, we are in the Running Man did not expect that it would be a great program in South Korea, and also outside the country."

"In  Running Man, we always keep reminding between each other, about what we done is for the fans, because they are the reason we got recognized to outside of the country,"

Talking about the most difficult time during Running Man, HaHa said the first episode of Running Man filming was the most difficult, not only for himself but for the entire production crew.

He explained, during the early episode, he and other casts did not know the actual journey of the program(Running Man), so they just go with the flow, doing the filming nonstop.

"For me, the most difficult moment was in the early episodes of Running Man. At that time everyone was confused about the purpose of the program. We also do not build character like today, so everyone does not know what to do.”

"There is not enough sleep and rest for more than 24 hours of filming. The first episode feels most painful not only for me but everyone including the production crew, "replied Haha.

He continued, for the sake of the program, he once restrain from his pain due to an injury that occurred during filming.

"Viewers see us happy, smiling and laughing in the program. However, they do not know the difficulties we face when shooting.”

"I've been wounded in the leg and hand. But in order not to disturb the filming, I decided to only received a brief treatment.”

"Imagine, in sickness I had to smile and laugh in front of the camera. Everything is for the audience. I do not want because of my injury, I’m giving others inconvenient. Because 'Running Man' filming involved a large production of crew, "said Haha, then pointing to his feet and hands that was wounded during the shooting.

Taken from malay article KOSMO
English Translation by Bear Gom

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